יום שלישי, 3 ביוני 2008

Jorquera: “There’ll be more competition”

In December last year at San Mamés, Albert Jorquera’s right knee gave way. Five months later he now sees the light at the end of the tunnel and hopes to be back soon as one of the first team’s three keepers.Jorquera is getting back to full fitness and hopes to be able to take the field again soon. “I’m in the home straight,” he says, “and I feel better and more hopeful every day. I’ve already started doing harder stuff, including knee twists, and I can kick the ball again.” Preseason Barça will start getting ready for the 2008-09 season next 15 July. “I reckon I can make it but only just, “says Jorquera. “You have a schedule and if you can meet it all well and good so I hope to get the green light just before preseason starts.” He’ll find competition for the goalkeeper’s spot from Víctor Valdés and José Manuel Pinto. “Obviously that makes things different, as another goalkeeper means that things have to be shared out more,” says Jorquera. “Before there were just two of us and now there are three, and that makes a big difference in goal, so there’ll be more competition.” Rijkaard and Guardiola Another of the differences he’ll find is that Frank Rijkaard has gone to be replaced by Josep Guardiola. “I’ll remember Frank Rijkaard for his personality, how he was able to manage a dressing room that’s as difficult as ours, and the way he did things,” says Jorquera. “I don’t know much about Pep Guardiola as a coach, but I know he’s mad about football and studies it a lot, and I’m convinced that he can bring a lot of good things to the club.”
The unforgettable noise Like many other footballers who’ve suffered the same injury, Jorquera can’t forget the noise made by the snap of a cruciate ligament. “Yes, I heard that unmistakeable crack and I knew straightaway that something serious had happened in my knee,” he says. “I told the doctors and my team-mates not to worry as it was a clean break.”

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